Tai O Lookout
1/F, Tai O Heritage
Hotel, Shek Tsai Po Street, Tai O, Hong Kong
Date of visit : 8 Mar
2013 (Fri) 5:50 pm
No. of diners : 5
Average cost per head
: $150
Food quality : 6.8/10
Environment : 8.5/10
Service : 8.5/10
Value-for-money : 8/10
Overall rating : 7.89/10
Travelled a long way
from town after lunch to this hot spot in Tai O was a little bit rush, however,
we could still manage to arrive before sunset. But Tai O Lookout, the only
dining outlet in this heritage hotel had closed her door between 5 to 6pm to
prepare for the dinner. As we only asked for some drinks at ground level (still
2-storey high above the sea level) which was in fact a public area with ratten
lounge chairs and coffee tables, the waitress was kind enough to bring us a
chilled white with a bowl of peanuts where we could enjoy the beautiful dusk.
As we only drank wine for the visit, the rating on food quality is only based
on what we had and not relevant to their food.
a) Double 8 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 ($350) – 7.4/10
With no expectation,
sauvignon blanc from Marlborough in New Zealand wouldn’t disappoint you either.
b) One Pebble Lane Rosé 2011 ($330) – 6/10
This private label of
Tai O Heritage Hotel was made in Hong Kong by the 8th Estate Winery
who imports frozen grapes from Bordeaux, France for this wine and have them
aged in their French and American oak barrels located in Ap Lei Chau, Hong
Kong. This colour of this rosé resembled that of cranberry juice and carried a
very sweet note of cherries. Not any close to my favourite dryness as it tasted
more like cough syrup for kids than a table wine.